Annemie is a housewife after working on a bank for 35 years. She loves children, traveling and photography. Since 2005 she volunteers twice a year, in April and October. She speaks in schools and churches to make the people aware of the needs of the children of Welcome Home.
My last visit was in October 2021. Two times a year I go over except in COVID times. Each trip I make pictures of all children for their files. It is quite a job, but much fun to do. Some of the children know what is coming and set off to the spot I normally take the pictures by themselves. I also make a lot of pictures for Mandy, for her newsletter and the website. I make time to play with the children and hug them and give them a lot of love and attention. Things I notice while I’m there, regarding the children but also maintenance issues, I discus with Mandy, so that the necessary actions can be taken. Therefore, some broken items were fixed. Because I’m at Welcome Home on a regular base, the children know me quite well. Some of them know I like birds and call me when they spot a bird. I love them for it! The children also like to dance. Over the past years I taught them some simple moves. Now, every time I’m at the home, we dance, the staff join us in the dancing and singing. The happiness on the children’s faces makes me truly happy. The outings in the van with the children are a highlight. They are so happy, just to cruise around a bit. A couple of years ago I brought some children’s’ sunglasses which they only can wear on such outings. They feel special when they wear a pair of sunglasses. It was good to see that the medical clinic was well visited in Lwambogo. I noticed that progress is made and life gets better for the villagers. Some progress is bigger than others, but it’s still progress. I’m always happy and proud when I visit Welcome Home, it is so beautiful to be able to make a small difference!